The Power of Lemons

Cold season is upon us so we need to keep warm and healthy. Lemons are one of the common fruits used to help in treatment of cold symptoms. Lemon is a good source of vitamin C and the vitamin C helps to relieve upper respiratory tract infections and other illnesses.

So one can add fresh lemon juice to hot tea to help when sick.All thanks to our farmers for constant supply of food such as lemons.

#babes_we_farming #lemonfarming #dulagae #staysafe #lockdown

Growing Tomatoes

Growing Tomatoes

Tomato seeds can be saved casually through squeezing them out onto a paper towel and then air drying them,but the fermentation method is a better route.Through the fermentation route ,the tomato seeds which are stored can be viable for over 6 years.Fermentation...

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Growing Carrots

Growing Carrots

* One can grow carrots from your own carrots.You can cut the top of the carrots and place them in water and just observe them grow. Here is to growing our own food supply. #babes_we_farming #growingvegetables #carrots #growyourownfood...

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Insect Control: How Control an Invasion

Insect Control: How Control an Invasion

Question 1: How do you control insect invasion in your garden?Answer 1: I don’t use any chemicals (pesticides) Question 2: Which crop did you plant in your garden?Answer 2: Basil,coriander and spinach Basil, Basil is the reason for that!! Basil is one of the crop...

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